Thank you for your interest in learning more about WAYfinding! WAYfinding is open to all faiths and secular perspectives. In fact, we think exploring the big questions amid diversity is key to helping us grow in love.  

We offer three, group-based 8-week rounds - fall, winter, spring. To read details about and sign up for our winter and spring rounds, scroll down. 

Most of our groups have 7-10 people and meet for 2 hours each week. Our groups meet in homes because it's comfortable and allows us to offer time for breathing/meditating/praying. 

Winter & Spring Rounds 2019

The winter round begins the week of January 21st and ends the week of March 18th (9 weeks). Then, we'll take a three week break. The spring round will begin the week of April 15th and end the week of May 27th (7 weeks). You may sign up for one or both now. Check out the topic and cost details below. Sign up here.


I’ve been thinking a lot about curiosity lately - what it feels like, what it’s done for my life, its sacredness. I might even go so far as to say curiosity fuels all healthy spirituality and religion… and all interesting and magical lives.
It has been at the heart of WAYfinding from the beginning. We said there is a way of love, of compassion, of openheartedness that transcends our particular beliefs. And yet, your way will not look like my way. We each, through curious wonderment and attention, trial and error, will have to find our way. It is your journey, my walk; and yet, we cannot traverse it alone. Community is essential for helping us find and release, sift and shake our answers again and again. It is a way that is not meant to frustrate us – though sometimes it does – but instead, find our home in the way itself, rather than in answers found.
This winter and spring, curiosity will (once again) be our guide as we mash-up and (re)explore topics from the Fall 2014 and Winter 2015 rounds. The two rounds will support and “play off” one another, so you have the opportunity to sign up for both rounds now. Topics include purpose and making meaning with Kurt Vonnegut and Pema Chodron; how our life, our time, is a budget – to say “yes” to one thing is to say “no” to another; prayer with Marcus Borg and process theology; what it means to be “called”; justice through the lens of Jesus’ good Samaritan story; and much more. We’ll be resurrecting (optional) community weeks with sensory nature walks, service projects, gratitude boards and a Friday night “Practicing Sabbath” gathering (save-the-date: March 8th). There will be opportunities for families to participate in all community week experiences together.
This past year and a half has taught me many lessons. One of the biggest is that life, God, whatever you want to call i/It, is so deeply “for” us. Life so much wants us to learn the lessons it has for us – for our own healing and for the healing of the world. It requires our curiosity, though. If we do not pay attention and follow our curiosity, we will miss the magic. WAYfinding helps me pay attention. I hope you’ll let it, or let something, help you pay attention this winter and spring too. Because I wonder what life, what God, has for you next.   

- Anne

All groups will rotate facilitation. Newcomers (and those for whom facilitating will produce crippling anxiety ;)) are not asked to facilitate. Of course, you’re welcome to, if you’d like. 

Mondays, 7:30 – 9:00p – Mom’s Group (Meridian-Kessler) (Org. Facilitator: Lindsay)
Wednesdays, 11:30a - 1:00p (Meridian-Kessler) (Org. Facilitator: Rick)
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 9:00p (Downtown) (Org. Facilitator: Stew)
Thursdays, 7:00 - 9:00p (Meridian Hills) (Org. Facilitator: Jesse)


For those who can afford it, there is a cost with the WAYfinding experience. Each round we ask you make an investment in yourself of $50 - $150. It's a sliding scale; you pay what you can. And, if you can't pay, simply select our Scholarship Fund when signing up - that's all there is to it. Invest online here.  

Or, you may become a sustaining member of WAYfinding by making a recurring donation of at least $30 per month. This option is not just an investment in yourself - all rounds are included - but in others. Your recurring donation (or quarterly/yearly, if you prefer) helps us sponsor new and existing participants, "get the word out," invest in public speakers and new programs, etc. You can learn more about our different investment levels her