WAYfinding is currently “on pause.” As decisions are made or activity resumed, an email will be sent; if you wish to stay “in the loop,” subscribe. In the interim, some folks will meet informally; if you wish to participate, contact us.
Helping you love better by discovering a faith that works for you and is good for the world is what we're about. WAYgroups are primarily how we do this.
To love better than you did yesterday requires intention. Sometimes, and for a season, we can do this on our own. Generally, though, we need community and spaces that force us to stop, to listen and learn, to try a new way forward.
WAYgroups meet weekly, for 8 weeks, to discuss and practice topics such as healthy living, spiritual practices and seeking justice. (Complete list of topics here.) Each meeting also includes connecting around "highs" and "lows," prayer and/or meditation, and setting an intention for the coming week. To give you a better idea, past groups have:
Watched and discussed a food justice documentary. Individuals then set intentions of researching opposing viewpoints, practicing Meatless Mondays, or reconnecting with and learning from extended family farmers.
Learned a new spiritual practice each week, often walking away with the intention to practice alone and determine whether it "works" for them.
Watched TEDTalks on cultivating compassion, being wrong, and stress, among other topics. The intentions, of course, were numerous but one mom planned to help her kids develop compassion by asking at the dinner table, "Who did you notice was sad or lonely today?"
Read an article on whether God is good if bad things happen and wondered together. The conversation brought up all sorts of questions and most individuals set an intention of exploring further.
Groups check back in the following week and usually discover about half followed through. No shame here; just learning from each other's experiences and trying again.
Each WAYgroup is distinct, consisting of 7-10 folks and meeting at different locations and times throughout the week. All groups generally discuss the same topic.
During the fall, winter and spring rounds, you are welcome at any group any week to "check it out." Being a silent fly on the wall or diving right into the conversation is welcome. The Spring 2019 Round will run from the week of April 15th through the week of May 27th. Sign up for the group of your choice and under Investment select "I'm just checking this out for a week." We'll get you connected! And/or fill out our contact form and we'll be in touch.