I am increasingly convinced honesty sits at the heart of all good things. Want to uncover your passion? Get honest about answering the question, "What would I do if I weren't afraid?" Looking for deeper connections? Be honest about who you are - where you struggle and find joy. Want to laugh really hard? Just wait for the next honestly human and hilarious moment. Frustrated about your relationship with food? Find the courage (and support) to explore why and how you really use it. Wondering why your prayers feel flat? Ditch the pretense and try a little raw truth: "God, I don't trust you" or "I guess I really don't want to forgive. I'm afraid of what forgiving means: forgetting, me being 'okay'..." or "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" or...
Honesty isn't particularly easy, especially when we're unaccustomed to it. It can even be painful... but only at first. Then, it becomes the key to our freedom, joy, reconciliation, you name it. LISTEN, LEARN, LOVE. What do you hear, honestly?
Listen to this song. Maybe once right where you are and again in a different position - lying on the ground, dancing with your child, resting and opening your palms, whatever feels right or just awkward enough. What do you feel? Hear? Keep listening...
Perhaps an unusual choice, but I think we can learn a great deal from Gladys about the gifts of honesty. What do you "hear"? How does she make you feel? Keep listening...
Try something new. Follow what you're "hearing." Be a little brave. Actively love by setting an intention for the coming week.
Maybe try saying a really honest prayer. Just start speaking... to God, Spirit, whatever or whoever might be. Then, stop and ask, "Is what I've just said true, really, deep down?" If so, great! Keep talking. If not, try and dig a little deeper. Keep checking in until you've hit the honest bottom. See what comes. Then, reflect on how the experience made you feel... be honest.