WAYfinding is both a growing online community, through this blog, and a "bricks and mortar" community in Indianapolis. For the last two weeks, the latter has been discussing the importance of story. Namely, in taking the time to detail and reflect on our life story(ies) thus far, its lessons, patterns and wisdom can arise.
The importance of such work was echoed beautifully in a NPR Here & Now story last week titled "Restarting Life Out From Under Polio's Shadow." In it, Gail Caldwell thoughtfully reflects on how a surgery in her 50s that greatly improved a limp she'd had from polio since 6 months of age challenged her story.
LEARN, then let's reflect and LOVE together and keep LISTENing...
Listen to Here & Now's Robin Young interview Gail Caldwell. What resonated for you? Where did you experience an internal "yes!" Keep listening...
Consider setting an intention for the coming week based on what's stirring in you. Be a little brave.
For me, I was struck by Gail's surgeon's comment, "We can lengthen the leg while we're in there." Whether we have a physical limp or not, most of us have emotional "limps" connected to our stories. When we do the work of getting "in there," we too can "lengthen the leg." It's a beautiful metaphor for the power of transforming our stories! So, perhaps ask yourself this week, "What are the stories I've always told myself about myself? Is there a different way to see these stories? Do I need to let go of some of them entirely?" And, as Gail suggests, don't make your narrative a "locked room." Let others in. Let God in. Share what you're thinking. See what comes and keep listening...
Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt - marvelous error! -
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said: Along which secret aqueduct,
Oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never drunk?
Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt - marvelous error! -
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.
Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt - marvelous error! -
that a fiery sun was giving
light inside my heart.
It was fiery because I felt
warmth as from a hearth
and sun because it gave light
and brought tears to my eyes.
Last night, as I slept,
I dreamt - marvelous error! -
that it was God I had
here inside my heart.
- Antonio Machado
(Printed in Life Prayers. Editors: Elizabeth Roberts & Elias Amidon. "Last Night" reprinted from Times Alone: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado, translated by Robert Bly.)