| Anne C. Williamson |
We’ve spent the last six weeks exploring prayer and Sabbath. The intention has been to learn and listen for, when it comes to prayer and Sabbath, what makes sense to you – in terms of how you understand these practices – and what works for you – that is, offers you c/Connection, peace, growth, joy.
I did not “set out” this round to spend so much time here; but, it makes sense. If we are wanderers on the way of love but do not practice being still (internally), do not practice making space for rest and reconnection, do not practice listening and being glad and going to g/God – however we understand g/God – by any means, then we will still love, of course; but, my experience has been other active emotions – like resentment, fatigue, shame, anger, cynicism, pride – will join us on the journey and begin to crowd out love.
We've read, watched, listened to many ideas over these weeks; in part, this was to remind us that people understand and approach prayer and Sabbath in many ways. In this remembrance, there may have been ideas you’d like to try again or for the first time; wonderful! Mostly, though, I hoped it would give you permission; permission to practice prayer and Sabbath in whatever ways are most c/Connective and restoring for you; permission to figure it out and then change your mind again and again.
I also hoped it would remind you, as it did me, that g/God, Love, the healing energy of the world, works within all forms of prayer and people. We may disagree with someone theologically but this does not mean his or her words are devoid of Spirit, absent of Wisdom herself. g/God works within what is. Any conscious g/God I would believe in would not abandon someone simply because they weren’t getting it entirely “right.” Any unconscious g/God/Energy I would believe in would simply flow into all heart openings made available to i/It, however small, however surrounded by fear.
Do I believe there are healthier forms of faith, healthier forms of prayer and Sabbath – for me and for the world? Yes, absolutely, I do. But, I am grateful Love found me even in my learned rigidity all those years ago. I am grateful that it finds me still.
I share this with you as a practice in empathy and connection with those still stuck in rigidity. May we always look for the s/Spirit in them, may we always see them through Love’s eyes while never centering in our own minds and hearts how they see us. Let me say this again: We can see them through Love’s eyes while never centering how they see us.
I also share this with you as a kind of grace, a freedom. g/God will work with what is within you. Keep asking the questions. Keep staying open and listening. Keep challenging yourself. But, never think you have to get it “right” for Love to find you, for Love to work within the practices you try, within the names you give It. That is not Love’s way. Love has no ego. It sees Itself in you and cannot abandon a part of Itself; indeed, It cannot be Itself without you.